Whatsapp tricks and hacks (Tried and Tested)

Whatsapp tricks and hacks ( Tried and Tested ) .

1) You can use WhatsApp on browser using WhatsApp web.

2) Hide Stats App

You can download it from the official google play store. This application helps you to preserve your relationship with sender. It hides the read status of messages to sender.
Concept behind Hide Stats App
What this app does is, it actually closes your internet connection when you open the  whatsapp app. So in this way sender doesn’t get a double blue tick on its message. There are also other apps available in the market which does the same function.

You can also hide the read status of your's just by switching off your internet connection when reading text messages in whatsapp.

2. How to Send files of different format

You can not share file having format like .exe,.zip,.pdf,.rar and etc.

You can use the app called Cloud Send. This will send RAR, ZIP, PDFs, .EXE, APKs, etc,  Word files and much more using WhatsApp.
You can also share files without using any app, you just have to rename the file format of the file or any app to .img and voila you have sent a file other than a image.
For example if you want to send a xxx.pdf file then you just have to change file xxx.pdf to xxx.img and then hit the send button.
The receiver should have to download that file and rename it again to its orignal format  i.e  xxx.pdf .
(You can also use the video format to share files instead of image format)

3. Know How Many Member in a Group Have Seen Your Messages

When you send messages to your friend in whatsapp you get blue tick after reading by friend. But the same is not available for a group message. And to know how many group members have seen the message just Press and hold the messages a popup button(info) on top will show. Choose this option and now you can see which member of your group have read your message and which has not.

4. How to Unblock Yourself

You might have come to a situation where someone has blocked you and your not able to send any messages to that number and now you are frustated don't get because you can unblock yourself just by removing or deleting your whatsapp account info and profile pic and now you are extincted from all your whatsapp contacts, groups and from any blacklist whatsapp.
And now just register your mobile number to official whatsapp app and now you are unblocked from any contacts which had blocked you. Now they are shocked and surprised to see your whatsapp messages.

5. How to Prevent Your WhatsApp Media from Appearing on Media Gallery.
We all love conversation with our loved one. When you send or receive images or video to someone, there are some media in whatsapp which you don’t want to show in media gallery. Because media gallery items are public. So anyone can see them.  
So if you want to maintain your privacy keeping your photo in memory then simply follow below steps:
Download ES File manager from google play store.Navigate to whatsapp folder. Now go to images and video folder.Make a new folder with name .nomedia and save the changes.This folder will make all your images and videos hidden in media gallery.

6. Try WhatStat for whatsapp

WhatStat application provides you all insight details of your whatsapp friends. Some of the feature it provides are:
In which time your friends are mostly active.You will get percentage of active users.Who is your top whatsapp friend.What are your top whatsapp groups.

7. How to Hack the Conversation of Your Friend's Whatsapp

Steps for hacking your freind’s whatsapp conversation
a)Navigate to the your smartphone MICROSD card \Click on the Whatsapp and then on the Database choice.If you have completely performed above two steps. then you will get two files-msgstore-yyyy..dd..db.crypt
Note: please make a backup of these two files.
b) Go to your friends phone and copy these two files from their whatsapp database. Just paste these files in your whatsapp data files.
c) Restart whatsapp. You will see all conversation of your friend in your whatsapp messenger.

8.) How to Lock your whatsapp conversation

We all do our most of the conversation through whatsapp. Therefore it is very necessary for us to protect our talk in whatsapp. Whatsapp doesn’t provide any inbuilt facility for protecting user’s conversation.
In this whatsapp trick I will tell how you can protect or hide your whatsapp conversation. This trick will enable security lock for your whatsapp account.
A number of apps in the play store are available to protect conversations.  The best app for protecting whatsapp messages. Is whatsapp lock

Just install whatsapp lock in your android. Add a password to it. All your whatsapp conversations are now secured from anyone who wants to peek in your buisness without your permission .

9. How To Create a Fake Conversation in whatsapp
You probably have seen the troll of kadippa from Bahubali and some of alia bhat stupidity . How do they make fake conversation as they are for only entertainment purpose. You can see many of such of popular celebrities.
Do you want to create your own fake conversation in whatsapp?
Now it can be easily done. By using WhatSaid you can actually make fake conversations of anyone and have fun.

10.) How to hack a whatsapp account .

Using this hack you can actually see what that person is doing to whom he/she is sending messages or who his sending him/her messages .
You will get all the notifications he/she is getting.

Using this you can spy on your friends or girlfriends or boyfriends whatsapp account without their knowledge.

To hack a whatsapp account all you need is to change or spoof your mac address to the victims mac address.

Method: MAC Spoofing:

Requirements for Android:

Rooted Android (How to Root)BusyBox , Terminal Emulator

Steps To Hack Whatsapp by MAC Spoofing :-

First of all completely uninstall Whatsappapp on your phone.

Uninstall WhatsappNow obtain the phone of the victim whosewhatsapp you want to hack.

MAC Address

Now note down the MAC address of the phone.

Finding MAC Address of Android
For Android, go to Settings – About phone – Status – WI-Fi MAC address.

MAC adress is like 01:73:62:82:78:cd etc.Now note down the MAC addressyour phone’s MAC address also.Now we will change MAC addess of our phone for this you have to install a application.

Android user install the app :-BusyBox and Terminal Emulator.
(Strictly download from playstore)

Now open app, in the terminal, type ip link show to see a list of interfaces. Identify the one that has your MAC address — for this example, we’ll use the eth0 interface. In the terminal emulator, enter “IP link set eth0 address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX” and “ip link set eth0 broadcast XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX”, where eth0 is the interface you identified and XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is your target’s MAC address. To check that you’ve successfully changed your MAC address, enter ip link show eth0.Now Install the Whatsapp in your mobile and enter the victim mobile number in registering and then take the victim mobile and enter the code and delete the message from his/her mobile.

Thats it you are done . Now if you want to registered your mobile number back then simply change the MAC address to your Default MAC addres which you have noted before.

This spoofed mac address is temporary and is only available until your next reboot.

This article is for educational purposes only an for awareness against hackers so be alert . we are not responsible for actions of any individual.

Note: We are not responsible for any Criminal actions taken against or by you. These methods are available in the public domain.


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