Whenever we heard word LGBT community we recall the typical appearance of a man with full of make up wearing saree and begging @ traffic signal or in train second class coach or in red light area. We call him ( hizda ) i.e transgender all other Gay Lesbian Bisexual are just words of western culture for us.
 Are they not in Indian society ?
No , may be one of our friend is gay or lesbian or bisexual but only fear of stigma and boycott they don’t reveals their identity as homosexual.
Basically homosexuality is biological & innate in that one person attract to same gender person just like in heterosexual (one person attract opposite gender person) and it has nothing to do with “nature of order”
Homosexuals are named with LGBT Community
Lesbian         a girl likes another girl
Gay                a boy likes another boy
Bisexual         person have sexual desire from man as well as women
          Transgender  person who act like women due to hormones

Indian penal code (IPC) is criminal code for India,which we got from inheritance of British slavery . it was drafted in 1860 on recommendation of  first law commission of India which was est in 1834 under chairmanship of Thomas Macaulay and we continue it after freedom with some amendment of contemporary provision.
           377 is IPC section which criminalizes consensual private sexual act between adult with provision of imprisonment for life or with imprisonment of either decription for term which may extend to 10 years and shall also be liable to fine

          LGBT guys are discriminate on basis of their behavior and appearance , unfortunate they are treated as mental ill but WHO declare that ‘homosexuality is not mental illness’ Many of LGBT community people like joyita mondal (Lok Adalat judge in north Bengal ) Pratika yashini (police officer) etc proved it by their work
Infact it is society’s illness that they don’t let live LGBT guy dignify life and push  this community to work as sex worker or beg.

ART 14 claims equal protection of law within the territory of India to every citizen . IPC sec 377 itself  keep LGBT community in criminal zone though art 21 explicitly preserve right to privacy of Indian citizen yet from last 62 years we following sec 377 stigma to our liberal, democratic nation .But in societal view LGBT is stigma to society. Still at end of tunnel there is light and today SC declare IPC SEC 377 unconstitutional and void.
Fight is not stop here , constitutionally and legally it got support but it is socially still boycotted and to break it we need social awareness through campaign and through e- media , movies like SACRED GAMES and VEERE DI WEDDING
    Every coin has to side like homosexuality has some problems like it may cause AIDS like diseases and we have to create awareness of it.


Anonymous said…
Ya..Its true. Our society treats them in bad people must realise that they are person like us .they also have right to live their life with happiness and respect..
Anonymous said…
It looks like we are in democracy
Anonymous said…
Sex is personal thing unless it is exploitation
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
History owes an apology to the LGBT community for delayed their rightful justice....Good Writing..Helpful to understand the history of ipc 377.

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