India has glorious history since Mohenjo-Daro to recent surgical strike. In ancient time India was known as “CENTRE OF KNOWLEDGE” due to three university Takshila Vikramshila and NalandaNalanda university is backbone of Indian history ,which was based on principles of lord Budhha.

Nalanda is the world's first institution of higher learning, was build by Kumar Gupta in 427 A.D having capacity of 10k students with 2k teachers accommodations FREE. In this university science , astronomy,mathematics and budhism ethics were taught ,students not only came form different part of India but also came from China,Korea,Japan,Tibat,Indonesia,Iran,Tarki.those who studied here they spread Budism over the world in that result Today,Budhhism is found in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Japan, China, etc, and in some parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, also in the European countries and the USA. It is believed that the Buddhist population of the world is over 500 million
 If we look sctrucutre  of nalan It was spread in huge area with incredible architecture having
  1. seven big halls and 300 rooms for lectures.
  2. there was a nine flour library having books of various scripture and of manuscript.
  3. monastery which were arranged in row from north to south these were used for students and teachers accommodation.
  4.  in spite of these, Nalanda  consist of many VIHAR having picturesque Budhha statue, garden,lake etc and  the university was surrounded by wall with one main gate.
The whole Nalanda university was run by chancellor( who was appointed by budhhist monk ). with two bodies one is for teaching purpose and other is for management.where as teaching  body was of mainly for teaching purpose which was divide in three levels as per their knowledge and second body was for manage economical status (like food, cloth and accommodation needs which are fulfill by donation of villages near by Nalanda in form of grains and tax) and it also look administrative works. 

To take admission in Nalanda student should crack all levels of entrance exam which was tough enough so that only  schlor talented students in university can get admission.the student in university should strictly follow sangha’s rule with clear character.there was no restriction on students religion .

But unfortunately in 1193, muslim invaders on NALANDA under leadership of bakhtiar khilji , he killed lots of budhist and demolished the university ,over nine millon books were burnt continuously for six month.

Now  95 KM from south of patna in Bihar we can see only a flatten structure of NALANDA. And UNESCO declared it as world heritage site.


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